Secret is Being Positive
1st analysis goes to Trump. But what will the next President win?  This Reading tell the way for our nation to pass thru these precarious times.

This reading if for the entire Nation and allows for both candidates.
IV  RIX  RXII  0  I  II  RXIV  XVI  VI  RXVII is the sequence. Next make a 1 to 1 correspondence there meaning 1 thru 9 meanings.

The premise leads to masculine leadership. Fairness. 

The reaction to be impetuous needs to be fought.

There is a tendency to over come personal problems to the extent of over coming all.

​Abandon all that appears to strong or else decisions  won't be clear

Success is implied if there is enough strength. Could be glorious.

​There needs to be collective thought

Discord results. Extreme pessimism.

​As the Brick comes down. Humpty Dumpty. From the fires is the Phoenix.

To be all things together. United.

There has to change stubbornness  fought. Yield as to move forward.
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What the next president can expect